Central Center
670 Waiale Road
Wailuku, HI 96793

Westside Center (Temporarily Closed)
15 Ipu'Aumakua Lane
Lahaina, HI 96761

Rental Assistance Program

The KHAKO Rental Assistance Program (RAP) is a homelessness prevention program that provides direct rental assistance payments, supplemented by counseling and case management for a minimum of six (6) months to a year, to individuals and families moving from emergency shelter to permanent housing and Maui residents at risk of becoming homeless due to a temporary lack of financial resources. 

Get Started

Pre-Application Screening (Online Form)

Full Application (PDF Form download)

Checklist of Required Documents

This program is designed to help individuals and families in Maui County with assistance on a declining scale based on income and contingent upon the applicant’s circumstances. All assistance is paid directly to the landlord of the rental or the utility company. This program is part of a homelessness prevention initiative, helping resident to get into and sustain consistent housing.

Population served include people who are:

  • Homeless
  • At-Risk Homeless
  • Moving from Emergency Shelter

Depending on need and available funds, this program may provide assistance with:

  • Security Deposit
  • First month’s rent
  • Utility deposit/disconnection (electric, gas or water)
  • Back Rent (on a case by case basis)

Qualification Guidelines

In order to apply for the Rental Assistance, guests must meet the following guidelines:

  • Demonstrate a real need for assistance (are currently homeless or at-risk for homelessness, live in substandard conditions, experienced an unexpected layoff, unexpected eviction, etc.)
    Within thirty (30) days prior to application, demonstrate that household income is equal to or greater than household expenses in order to prove housing can be sustained after assistance. If client does not have sufficient income at time of application, client must provide proof of future income. (Income can include supplemental assistance, including food stamps and public financial assistance)
  • Qualifying applicants must contribute up to 30% of the cost of the emergency rental assistance and/or security deposit at the time of the rental application.
  • For individuals with HUD vouchers, only deposit assistance is available.

For more information, contact our Rental Assistance Coordinator at (808) 446-8129.

Supporting Documents

Landlord Packet


Equal Opportunity
